Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Make a Dredd Sequel Happen!

Recently, DNA announced that they'll soon know whether or not DVD and Blu-ray sales for Dredd are sufficient to consider a sequel. If you haven't seen the movie but have read the comicbooks, go buy the movie for Drokk's sake! I promise you won't be disappointed. And if you're not familiar with either, just go and buy the DVD, and if you like it, pick up some of the comicbooks, which you'll  like if you like the movie. Judge Dredd is a fantastic character, and I only use the word fantastic when I mean fantastic. This might be his only chance for another movie, and I really liked the first, so let's make this happen! If you don't own a copy, go and buy one, and if you do, you should do what I'm doing and tell other people everything I've just said, so a sequel will have to at least be considered. I know Karl Urban is a big Judge Dredd fan, so it's not like they would have a hard time getting him to play the role again. Still though, I feel like there's a decent chance we won't get another movie, but we have to try, right? As far as good and bad movies go, Judge Dredd has one of each, and I'd like to tip the scales towards good movies. A wise man once said "If you admit defeat, then that is all you shall know." That wise man was me. Just now. Anyway, let's see what we can do about getting another great movie about a great character!

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